Advanced Settings

Advanced settings are accessed by clicking on the 'Brain button' in the main display.  PHD2 has a large set of parameters that can be adjusted to optimize your guiding experience.  Although these are called "advanced" settings, they are not particularly difficult to understand, and there may be situations when you need to modify them.  All of the fields on these forms include "tool tips", small message windows that describe each field in some detail.  Simply "hover" the cursor over the field to see the tool-tip.  In many cases, this will provide all the information you need.   Because there are so many parameters available, the Advanced Dialog in PHD2 is organized into notebook tabs that are activated by clicking on the tab names.  All of the tabs share a common set of 'Ok' and 'Cancel' buttons at the bottom of the form.  Clicking on 'Ok' means that changes made to any of the tab fields will be put into effect.  Clicking on 'Cancel' discards any changes that were made.

Global Tab
Camera Tab
Guiding Tab
Algorithms Tab
Other Devices Tab

Global Tab

The controls on the 'Global' tab are well-described by their respective tool-tips, but they are summarized here for completeness:
Since the images are saved in an industry-standard format, there are many astronomy-related applications that can display or analyze them, many of which are free.  Most of the image-capture and image-processing applications can do that along with other, more specific tools that can perform detailed measurements on the stars and the optical quality of the field of view.  You can just do a web search to find a list of applications that support the FITs format for whatever platform you're using.  If you simply want to look at the images to check focus or see the general quality of the images being returned from your camera, you can use PHD2 for that.  With PHD2 in an idle state - neither looping nor guiding - just drag-and-drop one of your saved FITs image onto the main window. The display will then update to show the image you just dropped.  There's no need for PHD2 to be connected to any of the hardware.  You can adjust the gamma slider, select a star (manually or automatically), and use the Star Profile tool to view the HFD and profile of the selected star.

Camera Tab

The controls on the 'Camera' tab are used as follows:
Note that some of the controls in this list will be disabled if the camera isn't connected to PHD2 or if the camera driver doesn't support the feature.

Guiding Tab

The guiding tab shows the  parameters used for calibration, star-tracking, and guiding behavior shared by all of the guide algorithms..

Guide Star Tracking
Shared Guiding ParametersAdvanced Calibration Calculator

To review or change calibration parameters, be sure the topmost four edit controls are correctly filled in.  If you have already specified the focal length and the camera pixel size  via the new-profile-wizard, those fields will already be populated in this form.  If you are using an ASCOM connection to your mount, the fields for "Guide speed" and "Calibration declination" will usually show the correct values unless the driver doesn't report them correctly.  Otherwise, you'll need to supply them yourself.  The guide speed is specified as a multiple of sidereal speed - most mounts will use something like 1X or 0.5X sidereal, but you can choose something else.  Note: changing the guide speed setting here never changes the guide speed setting in the mount - that can only be done via the mount driver or the hand-controller.   If this field is already filled in, changing it will have no effect. You can leave the 'calibration steps' field at the default value of 12, which is likely to result in a good calibration.  Use of a significantly smaller value raises the likelihood that seeing errors or small mount errors will cause calibration errors .  You should be careful about increasing this value above 12 because "bigger" is not always "better".  With larger values,  uncorrected periodic error in RA or large drift in Dec will degrade the accuracy of the calibration.   As you change the values in these fields,  PHD2 will recalculate the value for the calibration step-size.  If you then click on 'Ok', that value will be inserted into the calibration step-size field of the 'Guiding' dialog and will be used for the next calibration.  Clicking 'Ok' will also populate the focal length and camera pixel size fields in the 'Guiding' and 'Camera' tabs, so any changes you made in the calculator will be reflected there as well.  Don't do this if you are just using the calculator to experiment or check settings for someone else's system. Clicking on the 'Cancel' button will close the calculator without changing any of the values in the curren profile.  Again, PHD2 never changes the guide speed setting in your mount regardless of what may be entered in the 'Guide Speed' field.

If you've used the new-profile-wizard to build your equipment profile, there's rarely any reason to use the 'Advanced" button and the Calibration Calculator dialog.

Algorithms Tab

The algorithms tab can be used to select the guiding algorithms you want and fine-tune the parameters associated with them.  The parameters displayed will change significantly if you change the algorithm selections.  For that reason, all the parameters related to guide algorithms will be treated together, in a separate section.

The remaining controls, the ones that are independent of the guiding algorithm selections, are described below.  

Declination Backlash Compensation

Most commonly-used mounts have some backlash in declination.  You can find a brief discussion of backlash mechanics here:  Dec Backlash  Backlash causes a delay whenever there is a change in direction of the Dec guide commands.  During this interval, the declination gears aren't fully engaged and the axis doesn't move in response to the guide commands.  Many mounts have settings for backlash compensation but these should not be used for guiding - they are typically intended for visual use only.  Because the actual amount of compensation needed at any given time depends on the pointing position and the mechanical load on the system, a fixed value will usually result in oscillations that never stabilize.  Reasons for the positional dependency include uneven gear wear or significant imbalance of the scope in declination.  The backlash compensation implemented by PHD2 is adaptive, meaning that the compensation amount is adjusted up or down depending on the measured results.  Before enabling this feature, you should run the Guiding Assistant and measure the declination backlash - the time delay required to fully reverse direction in declination.  Keep in mind, the higher the guide speed setting in the mount (e.g. 0.9x sidereal), the smaller this delay will be.  If the measured amount is 3 seconds or less, the Guiding Assistant will recommend trying backlash compensation.  If you apply that recommendation, the backlash compensation settings will be handled for you automatically.  The UI controls for backlash compensation include settings for 'minimum' and 'maximum' compensation amounts.  These effectively limit the range of the adjustments that are made to the starting compensation value.  If you're experienced with your mount's behavior, you can adjust these settings manually to be sure the compensation stays within a range that you know works well.  Otherwise, you should just leave these at their default values.  The backlash compensation algorithm will generally work well if the backlash is less than a few seconds and the mount doesn't have other significant mechanical problems.  You should expect a short period of  instability when guiding starts because the initial state of the Dec gear system is unknown - just let it stabilize before you actually start imaging.  If you see recurring periods of Dec oscillation or the axis won't settle down, disable the compensation feature and submit your debug log file to the PHD2 support forum. 

Other Devices Tab

If you are using either an adaptive optics or rotator device, the "Other Devices" tab will be shown.  A general discussion of using an AO for guiding can be found here: AO Guiding   The upper section deals with the AO device if one is being used.  You can use these parameters to control the calibration process and the manner in which 'bump' operations are done.  The 'calibration step' field tells PHD2 the amount to move the tip/tilt element in each of the up/down/left/right directions, in units of AO steps, during calibration.  The guide star position is measured at the beginning and end of each leg of the calibration, and the 'samples to average' parameter tells PHD2 how many samples to take at each of these points.  Averaging images is important because the seeing will always cause the guide star to "bounce around" a bit.  As discussed elsewhere, the AO unit can make corrections only within a limited range of guide star movement.  You will want to initiate mount 'bump' corrections before these limits are actually reached, and the 'bump percentage' field is used for that purpose.  To move the mount, the full bump correction is accomplished in steps - the 'bump step' field controls the size of these increments.  If the bump operation has begun and the guide star remains outside the "bump percentage" area, PHD2 will increase the bump size until the guide star is back within that range.  Additional movement from that point to the center position will continue at the specified "bump step size".  This complexity is required in order to maintain good guiding, with no elongated stars, even as the mount is being bumped.  During the bump operation, the AO is continuing to make corrections, so the long "mount bump" is continuously offset by adjustments in the AO.  The 'AO Travel' field specifies the number of steps the AO can make on each axis.  The default value works well for most SX AO devices but in some cases it may be too large.  If you encounter problems during AO calibration where the AO hits its limits, you can adjust the 'AO Travel' amount downward.  

The 'Bump on dither' option tells PHD2 to bump the mount when a dither command is received and thus move the guide star back closer to the center position of the AO.  The option to enable or disable AO guide commands operates independently from the 'Enable mount guide output' checkbox in the Guiding tab.  So you can independently enable/disable either the guide commands to the tip/tilt device or the 'bump' guide commands to the mount.  The same principle holds for the 'Clear AO calibration' option - that will force a recalibration of the AO without affecting calibration of the mount.  The 'Mount Backlash Compensation' controls let you apply PHD2 Dec backlash compensation when mount bumps are done.  This can help speed up large dither operations, but it's only appropriate if the mount has a limited amount of Dec backlash. You should use the Guiding Assistant to measure your Dec backlash and see what it recommends with regard to using Dec backlash compensation.  The backlash compensation value cannot be adjusted automatically when the AO is being used so it is a good idea to specify a value that is perhaps 1/2 the value suggested by the Guiding Assistant.

When an AO is in use, the 'Algorithms' tab will only show choices for controlling the tip/tilt optical element in the AO device itself.

Since the AO is not trying to move a heavy piece of equipment, you can afford to be more aggressive in your guide algorithm choices.  The default algorithms for an AO are 'Hysteresis'', which provides an easy way to control damping and aggressiveness.  If you use a different algorithm, you should probably start with a high level of aggressiveness there as well.   The other, shared guiding parameters normally displayed on the 'Algorithms' tab will not be shown for the AO because they aren't used to control the device.

The rotator device has only one parameter which lets you match the behavior of the device to the ASCOM notion of positive and negative angles.  The "Reversed" checkbox can be used for optical systems that reverse the image, usually because they have an odd number of mirrors.  The direction and amount of rotation is used to adjust the calibration data, so PHD2 follows the ASCOM standard:  "the rotator position is expressed as an angle from 0 up to but not including 360 degrees, counter-clockwise against the sky."  Experimentation is likely to be the quickest way to determine if the box should be checked.